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Marin Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 1775, is a proud affiliate of the 300,000 strong International Association of Firefighters (IAFF).
The International Association of Fire Fighters is the AFL-CIO, CLC affiliated labor union representing nearly 300,000 professional fire fighters and emergency medical personnel in the United States and Canada.
IAFF is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and operates a Canadian national office in Ottawa. With more than 2,700 affiliates, and alliances in Australia and the U.K., the union fights for the rights, health and safety of the vast majority of full-time, paid fire fighters worldwide. Its members protect more than 85 percent of the lives and property and are the largest provider of pre-hospital emergency medical care in the U.S. and Canada.
In addition to city and county fire fighters and EMS personnel, IAFF members include state employees, federal workers and fire fighters employed at industrial facilities.
The IAFF was a driving force behind most advances in the fire and emergency services in the 20th century - from the introduction of shift schedules, to the enactment of SAFER in 2003. With extremely active political and legislative programs, and with recognized experts in the fields of occupational health and safety, fire-based EMS and Haz-Mat training, the IAFF has established professional standards for the North American fire service.
Today, the IAFF is a primary advocate for providing fire fighters and paramedics with the tools they need to perform their jobs. The IAFF provides a strong voice in the development and implementation of new training and equipment, and works hard to ensure proper staffing of fire departments.