Safety, Community, Compassion
Marin Professional Firefighters is an association representing the career firefighters of Marin County, California. Our membership consists of more than 400 firefighters from 11 local and county government fire departments and districts. Established June 1, 1968 with only 18 members, we now represent nearly every firefighter from every fire district, county, and municipal fire department in Marin. We are an affiliate of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), as Local 1775.
Over the past three decades, firefighting has evolved from a common trade which was often performed by volunteers, into a highly demanding technical career. From Hazardous Materials, Emergency Medical Services, Paramedicine, Terrorism/WMD, Heavy Rescue, Water Rescue, and Urban Search and Rescue, our job today is far more complex and technical, requiring more (and more varied) education, training, and dedication to succeed.
During this period of unprecedented change, Local 1775 and the IAFF grew to provide leadership and guidance in professionalism, training, labor relations, safety, and community issues. Our members take pride in the community involvement and leadership that Marin firefighters provide locally, statewide, and nationally.

Mission & Value Statement
We work together to organize all firefighters, emergency medical or rescue workers to secure just compensation for their services and equitable settlement of their grievances. As well as..
Promote a safe and healthy a working environment for firefighters as is possible through modern technology;
Promote the establishment of just and reasonable working conditions
Place the members of the Association on a higher plane of skill and efficiency
Encourage the formation of local unions, state and provincial associations and joint councils;
Encourage the formation of sick and death benefit funds